Sunday, October 16, 2011

How to start eating healthier TODAY

The purpose of eating is for energy. All the different nutrients have important functions in our body that help us get through the day and have energy. Instead of thinking about food negatively, try to think about the positive effects of foods. Think about what the food you are about to eat will do for you; for example, a breakfast of oatmeal and fruit will give me energy to start my day and has fiber to make me feel satiated. Eating the proper foods and the amount you eat at a time can affect your day and how you feel. Tips To Start Eating Healthier - Don’t skip breakfast. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. You haven’t eaten for more than 8 hours and your body has burned or stored the calories you ate from the day before already. Breakfast is that first meal that can set the tone for the rest of the day. Try to make breakfast healthy by having a whole grain food with a fruit or vegetable and some protein and fat. For example, oatmeal with nuts and berries and a hard boiled egg or whole grain toast with peanut butter and an apple. - Don’t let more than 4-6 hours go by without eating a meal or snack. If you wait until you’re starving, you will risk the chance of overeating or making an unhealthy choice. - Portion control your food; this will help balance out your nutrients and make sure you get enough of what your body needs to feel satiated. - Avoid too many processed foods; these foods can be very salty, which can dehydrate you, and your body breaks down and uses real and fresh food most efficiently. - Read labels, more importantly, the ingredient label. If there is a long list of ingredients that look foreign to you, do you really want to put that food in your body? - Go for color when preparing your meals and snacks; variety will ensure that you get the proper nutrients to get you through the day. - Aim to eat a fruit or vegetable at each meal. The FDA recommends at least 5 servings of fruits and/or veggies a day. This is hard to do if you wait until dinner to eat all your nutrients. - Dining out less and cooking at home more will help you to control what you are eating and how much. Planning ahead as much as you can will help you get through a busy week. You need to grocery shop and plan your week in order to eat healthfully. Bring healthy snacks with you so you won’t be stuck at the vending machine or starving at your next meal. - Keep a food journal; this will make you more aware of what’s going in your mouth. You may think twice if you have to write it down. Eating healthy takes effort and discipline. If these suggestions seem overwhelming, do one change at a time. This will help to keep your healthy changes a habit and will eventually lead to a long-term lifestyle.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Disadvantages of Eating Meat

There are many physical disadvantages to eating meat. Some of these disadvantages are:

1. A meat-eater not only takes in the animal cells and fats, etc. but also the waste products, e.g. chemically treated food fed to the animals, drugs injected into the animal in the slaughter house, intoxicants, coloring and tenderizers sprayed on the dead animal by the market suppliers. By the way, hamburgers are made from Cow with the four D’s (Dead, Dying, Disabled, or Diseased) This is way so many children and young adults have died from eating hamburgers. It's also the reason why hamburgers have the highest recall of E-Coli.

2. It is also suspected that meat-eaters are prime candidates for degenerative diseases such as high blood pressure, arthritis, gout, etc. Meat is one of the major sources of internal pollution. When an animal is slaughtered, un-eliminated waste products remain in the tissue of the animal which often give the meat its stimulating flavor. Uric acid and adrenaline are secreted into the bloodstream, muscles of animals and stored. The fear and struggle to escape death stimulates the secretion of hormones like epinephrine and norepinephrine. Most animals (especially cows) are injected with steroids before they are slaughtered. No edible plant product has similar toxicity. The human body has to work 15 times more to get rid of these toxin.

3.A parasite known for inducing miscarriage, blindness, jaundice and nervous disorders in newborn babies was found in samples of animal meat from abattoirs and markets (particularly in third world countries). An article in the German Bunte magazine, entitled 'Karnka von Tiere' (Diseases from Animal) pointed out the diseases that arise from consumption of meat, apart from the reckless wastage of precious land and natural resources for livestock breeding.

The article also emphasized on the benefits of meatless diet and the current trend towards vegetarianism by an increasing number of Germans and other Europeans, especially amongst the younger generation. As a result of overall concern for health, meat consumption in the west is declining. According to the Vegetarian society in UK, 9% of the population in UK and US are complete vegetarians with the number constantly increasing.

4.To preserve fish and prawns and other crustaceans, boric acid is widely used by food manufacturers. It attacks the liver and the brain, causing fits and coma before the victim dies of liver damage. Fruits and vegetables, however heavily sprayed, don't grow hormones, antibiotics and other drugs common in meat products.

5.Pigs carry trichinosis bacteria that cling to the walls of the stomach and intestines, which can be fatal. Beef and pork are highly acid forming and release into the blood-stream toxic poisons and microbes. But the WBC in blood may not be sufficient to destroy these microbes and so the toxic reactions set in.

The Physical Advantages of Being Vegetarian

Different types of vegetarians are given below:

LACTO-OVO VEGETARIAN: Eats no meat, poultry, or fish, but includes dairy products and eggs in the diet along with plant-based foods.

LACTO VEGETARIAN: Excludes all animal products except dairy products. Includes all plant-based foods in the diet.

OVO VEGETARIAN: Excludes all animal products except eggs. Includes all plant-based foods in the diet.

VEGAN OR PURE VEGETARIAN: Vegan is pronounced "vee gun." Some people distinguish between vegan and pure vegetarian, considering the pure vegetarian one who eats no animal flesh, no dairy products, or no eggs, and follows a strict plant-based diet for dietary reasons only. While vegans follow a diet consisting of plant-based foods only, some are further committed to a philosophy that respects animal life and the ecology of the planet. As a result, vegans also do not eat honey because many bees are killed in the process of forced procreation to maintain the beehive and the continued production of honey. Vegans do not eat sugar, because sugar is clarified over animal bones in the final steps of refining the sugar. Vegans also avoid gelatin, which is made from the bones, skin, and connective tissue of animals.

Because vegans consider the ecology of the planet a priority along with concern for animal rights, they shun the use of leather, wool, silk, goose down, and any foods or goods that have been processed using animal products. Their concern is that the planet's future resources have been harmed and animals have suffered in order for these products to come to market.

FRUITARIAN: The fruitarian has a simpler diet consisting only of fresh fruits and some vining foods that are technically considered fruits, but have been used as vegetables. These vegetable/fruits include cucumbers, tomatoes, and avocados.

RAW FOODIST: Those who follow the raw food diet include all fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and soaked and sprouted grains and legumes. Further, the raw foodist does not cook or heat the foods, but eats them only in their natural, raw state in order to preserve their valuable enzymes.

LIVING FOODS DIET: Those who follow the living foods diet include a broad variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, soaked and sprouted grains and legumes. In addition, they will warm some of their foods in a dehydrator with a temperature regulator. In order to preserve the valuable enzymes that raw foods contain, some foods can be warmed to temperatures no higher than 105 degrees, while others will tolerate a little higher heat at 115 degrees.

Vegetarians tend to have a lower incidence of hypertension than nonvegetarians. This effect appears to be independent of both body weight and sodium intake. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is much less likely to be a cause of death in vegetarians than nonvegetarians, perhaps because of their higher intake of complex carbohydrates and lower body mass index.

Incidence of lung and colorectal cancer is lower in vegetarians than in nonvegetarians Reduced colorectal cancer risk is associated with increased consumption of fiber, vegetables, and fruit. The environment of the colon differs notably in vegetarians compared with nonvegetarians in ways that could favorably affect colon cancer risk. Lower breast cancer rates have not been observed in Western vegetarians, but cross-cultural data indicate that breast cancer rates are lower in populations that consume plant-based diets. The lower estrogen levels in vegetarian women provides higher benefits.

A well-planned vegetarian diet may be useful in the prevention and treatment of renal disease. Studies using human being and animal models suggest that some plant proteins may increase survival rates and decrease proteinuria, glomerular filtration rate, renal blood flow and histologic renal damage compared with a non-vegetarian diet.

Plant sources of protein alone can provide adequate amounts of essential amino acids if a variety of plant foods are consumed and energy needs are met. Research suggests that complementary proteins do not need to be consumed at the same time and that consumption of various sources of amino acids over the course of the day should ensure adequate nitrogen retention in healthy persons. Although vegetarian diets are lower in total protein and a vegetarian's protein needs may be somewhat elevated because of the lower quality of some plant proteins, protein intake in both lacto-ovo-vegetarians and vegans appears to be adequate.

One of the favorite benefits of having a vegetarian diet is that there is no cholesterol in any vegetable source of food. Even peanuts are rich in fat but have zero cholesterol. Coconuts are very rich in fat but no cholesterol. Any animal product has tremendous amounts of cholesterol. But our body does not really need the intake of cholesterol (LDL). Our liver produces healthy cholesterol (HDL). High cholesterol deposits in the body cause gallstones, gall bladder problems, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle, tendon and joint problems (not to mention heart-related diseases). When children are given cholesterol they become hyperactive or lazy; they get cancer, obesity, nervous and irritable at a younger age. It has been researched that you don't need anything more than fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates to provide all the nutrients in a perfect diet. If you eat three different types or varieties of complex carbohydrates per day you can get all the amino acids.

Natural Treatments for Oily Skin - Home Remedies

These are some natural methods for oily skin to control your breakouts and shine.

1. Mix together 1:1 ratio of water and lemon juice - spread over the face evenly, let it dry completely, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water and then again with cool water. Do this once or twice a day - morning and night works well if you wear makeup through the day.
2. Oatmeal paste - mix together plain oatmeal and lemon juice; add a bit of olive oil so it can be spread over the skin evenly. Heat up the mixture just until it's warm to the touch and apply it to the face. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse completely clean with warm water.
3. Spot treat oily areas with tea tree oil - dab a few drops of pure tea tree oil on blemishes several times per day.
4. Aloe Vera - spot treat blemishes and acne prone facial areas by dabbing a bit of aloe Vera onto the skin and let it dry.
5. Mud mask - mix up a mud mask using equal amounts of raw honey and green clay powder. Apply evenly to your face, carefully avoiding the tender eye area, and let it dry for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and pat dry. This can be applied two or three times weekly.
6. Rinsing your face with clean cool water during the day is a great way to keep oil from producing on the skin.
7. Sandalwood paste - mix together a one-to-one ratio of rose water and sandal wood powder. Smooth over your skin, let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
8. Avoid touching your face - you'll add germs and dirt to the skin without realizing it.
9. Go without makeup whenever possible or wear only water-based, natural makeup.

How Much Water Should You Drink A Day

The best way to estimate the amount of water you need a day is by taking your weight in pounds and dividing that number in half. That give you the number of ounces you may want to drink each day. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you might want to drink at least 80 ounces of water.

If you exercise, you should drink another eight ounce glass of water for every 30 minutes you are active. When you are traveling on an airplane, it may be good to drink eight to ten ounces of water for every hour you are on board the plane. If you live in a hot climate, you should add another two servings per day. As you can see, your daily need for water can change from day to day.

At least twenty percent of the water you need will come from the foods you eat provided that you are eating raw fruits and vegetables. The rest will come from the beverages you drink. Water is probably the best choice; sweetened soft drinks and sodas have added sugar that adds extra calories.

Why Should You Drink Your Daily Intake of Water?

Water makes up more than two thirds of human body weight, and without water, we would die in a few days. The human brain is made up of 95% water, blood is 82% and lungs 90%. A mere 2% drop in our body's water supply can trigger signs of dehydration: fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on smaller print, such as a computer screen. (Are you having trouble reading this? Drink up!) Mild dehydration is also one of the most common causes of daytime fatigue. An estimated seventy-five percent of Americans have mild, chronic dehydration. Pretty scary statistic for a developed country where water is readily available through the tap or bottle water.

Water is important to the mechanics of the human body. The body cannot work without it, just as a car cannot run without gas and oil. In fact, all the cell and organ functions that make up our entire anatomy and physiology depend on water for their functioning.

The Benefits of Drinking Water

When you are properly hydrated, your body doesn't retain extra water. If you are dehydrated, your body is in "survival mode." Meaning, your body is storing every drop of water is gets just to be sure it will be able to continue basic functions. When you increase your water consumption, your body will slowly realize there isn't a water shortage anymore and it will release its stores of water. Most people who suffer from water rentention are dehydrated.

In addition to the daily maintenance of our bodies, water also plays a key role in the prevention of disease. Drinking your daily water intake can decrease the risk of colon cancer by 45%, bladder cancer by 50% and it can potentially even reduce the risk of breast cancer. And those are just a few examples!

Helpful Tip

Spread your water consumption over the entire day rather than drinking a lot of water in a single sitting. This will help keep you from feeling waterlogged. If you need help remembering when to drink, set a timer to go off every 90 minutes and drink a full glass or water bottle when the timer goes off. Rather than using plastic water bottles, invest in a reusable bottle that you fill with filtered water. This will save both money and landfill space.

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

SYMPTOMS—Sometimes there are no symptoms; but, if they occur, they may include headache, difficulty in breathing, headaches, low energy, indisposition, blurred vision, weight gain, rapid pulse, or a feeling of dizziness. Most men suffer from impotency and/or quick ejaculation due to hypertension.

Hypertension is called the "silent killer" because it often reveals few symptoms.

What is High blood pressure? High blood pressure is the pressure of blood flowing through the arteries at a higher rate than it should be, and that pressure consistently remains higher.

A blood pressure gauge (sphygmomanometer) registers two readings: The first and higher one is the systolic; the second and lower one is the diastolic. The diastolic pressure occurs just before the heart beats, and is less important for determining blood pressure. But the systolic pressure reveals the pressure built up as the heart pumps blood out of the heart into the aorta (and thence through the arteries). High systolic pressure indicates that the cell walls are hardened and/or plaques are forming in the arteries, which are narrowing the passageways.

Average normal systolic blood pressure in an adult varies between 120 and 150 millimeters of mercury, and tends to increase with age. The arteries of older people tend to harden and thicken with age, and this produces the higher readings in later life.

The age, in relation to the figures, tells a lot: Systolic readings of 140-150 at 65 to 80 years of age may not be considered high;

but, occurring in a man of 30, it points to a definite problem which needs attention.

Normal blood pressure readings for adults vary from 110/70 to 140/90 while readings of 140/90 to 160/90 or 160/95 indicate borderline hypertension. Any reading over 180/115 is far too elevated.

Causes-- The hardening and clogging produces changes in the arteries, which produce hypertension, and are caused by emotional stress, pork, beef, overeating, and heredity. Tobacco is another cause of hypertension, as is the taking of oral contraceptives (the pill). Drinking coffee or tea, drug abuse, and high inorganic sodium intake are other causes. Certain type of pharmaceutical prescription drugs causes high blood pressure, especially STEROIDS! All kidney disease is accompanied by high blood pressure. Heavy snorers are more likely to have high blood pressure than silent sleepers.

Why are African-Americans more likely to have hypertension than White Americans?

I have noticed this statistic before I became a healer. As a black woman I was raised on the typical African-American diet. Pork chops, Ham, Bar-B-Q Ribs, Fried Chicken, Hot Wings smothered in hot sauce, Collard Greens with fat back (more pork), Mashed Potatoes with home made gravy (pork grease or the grease from the cooked meat of that day, onions, white flour, black pepper, iodized salt and water), with overcooked vegetables. Of course we would wash it down with RED KOOL-AID which was practically filled with 2 pounds of sugar. Oh! Let me not forget desert! Red Velvet Cake, Sweet Potato Pie, home made Pound Cake, and banana puddin’ just to name a few was always offered as finishers. Raw fruits and vegetables was not the normal meal offered to us on a daily bases. I also recall drinking more sodas (Pepsi and Dr Pepper) than drinking water. This is an example of what I ate on a daily basis.

If you were to calculate the sodium, fat, and chemicals we as blacks ate on a daily bases………….you too would see why we are more likely to have high blood pressure than whites. I know for a fact that if our people would eliminate pork completely out of their diet and replace all drinks with distilled water, they would lower their blood pressure dramatically.


Tomato can help you to protect from Hyper Tension

* Habitual overeating, even of good food, will lead to hypertension. A person does not tend to overeat on healthfully prepared natural foods.

* Excessive protein food, sweets, rich pastry, and desserts must be omitted; but the reduction of all foods is especially important.

* Do not use salt; this is essential for lowering blood pressure. Read the labels: Many foods contain sodium. Look for "salt," "sodium," "soda," or "Na" on the label. Also avoid MSG (monosodium glutamate), baking soda, saccharin, soy sauce, diet soft drinks, preservatives, meat tenderizers, and softened water. You can use spike, kelp, Bragg’s liquid Aminos, and Sea Salt.

* Only drink distilled water.

* Eliminate all dairy products, for they are high in sodium.

* Do not use processed meats or canned vegetables. Especially tuna and spam!

* Stress, fear, anger, and pain increases blood pressure. Adequate daily outdoor exercise(walking, bicycling, etc) helps reduce the effects of stress.

* Eat a high-fiber diet. Include oat bran; it appears to be the very best type for the purposes you have in mind.

* For essential oil, take 2 tbsp. flaxseed oil daily. This is also good for lowering cholesterol.

* Use no animal fat of any kind; it is best to avoid meat, since there is so much of it in meat. If you have to eat meat, eat non-scavenger fish (salmon, bass, etc.).

* Do not drink alcohol or eat chocolate, aged cheeses, and pasteurized yogurt.

* Include supplemental calcium with magnesium in your diet.

* Avoid more than 400 units of vitamin D daily. This best form of Vitamin is from the sun. Standing 20 minutes in the sun with your arms and face exposed will give you your recommend daily allowance of vitamin D.

* Drink fresh vegetable juices.

* Garlic definitely lowers blood pressure. Actually, it tends to normalize it. In those with low blood pressure, it raises it. Fresh, raw garlic is the best.

* Obtain sufficient rest at night; do not eat later than several hours before bedtime.

* Do a pulse test in order to ascertain offending foods you are allergic to (click here for "Pulse Test").

* If you are pregnant, check your blood pressure regularly.

* Do not take antihistamines.

* Do not take supplements containing the amino acids tyrosine or phenylalanine.

* Keep your weight down! Loss of weight lowers blood pressure. If you are overweight and have high blood pressure, you would do well fasting one or two days a week.

* When the situation is critical, special care must be given to produce successful recovery:

* Adequate rest, both physical and mental, is needed, though mild exercise is beneficial to those with moderate hypertension. Even the visits of friends and relatives may have to be restricted or prohibited for a time.

* Gradually start mild exercise. Walk out-of-doors and gradually (slowly!) build up the amount of time spent in outdoor walking.

* All blood pressure medications tend to have negative effects. Moderate exercise, rest, sleep, and proper diet will provide better help.

* No vigorous or tonic hydrotherapy, or even massage, should be used. The neutral bath and complete bed rest is needed.

* One recommended program is fruit in the morning only, apple cedar with lemon juice and maple syrup an hour before lunch, a complex carbohydrate (brown rice, baked potato, whole grain pasta) with vegetables for lunch, fresh lemon juice with chlorophyll in the mid-afternoon and carrot/celery juice (8-16 oz) for 1-2 weeks. After doing this program for 2 weeks, my client was able to stop all of her medications, cured herself of hypertension, and lost 15 pounds.


What is Diabetes

Diabetes is a disorder that affects the way your body uses food for energy. Normally, the sugar you take in is digested and broken down to a simple sugar, known as glucose. The glucose then circulates in your blood where it waits to enter cells to be used as fuel. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, helps move the glucose into cells. A healthy pancreas adjusts the amount of insulin based on the level of glucose. But, if you have diabetes, this process breaks down, and blood sugar levels become too high.
The three main types of diabetes are

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease results when the body's system for fighting infection (the immune system) turns against a part of the body. In diabetes, the immune system attacks the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas and destroys them. The pancreas then produces little or no insulin. A person who has type 1 diabetes who wish to live under the guidence and direction of medical doctors instead of alternative health doctors must take insulin daily to live.

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes usually develop over a short period, although beta cell destruction can begin years earlier. Symptoms include increased thirst and urination, constant hunger, weight loss, blurred vision, and extreme fatigue. If not diagnosed and treated with insulin, a person with type 1 diabetes can lapse into a life-threatening diabetic coma, also known as diabetic ketoacidosis.

Type 2 Diabetes

The most common form of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. About 90 to 95 percent of people with diabetes have type 2. This form of diabetes is associated with older age, obesity, previous history of gestational diabetes, physical inactivity, and ethnicity. About 80 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight.

Type 2 diabetes is increasingly being diagnosed in children and adolescents. However, nationally representative data on prevalence of type 2 diabetes in youth are not available.

When type 2 diabetes is diagnosed, the pancreas is usually producing enough insulin, but for unknown reasons, the body cannot use the insulin effectively, a condition called insulin resistance. After several years, insulin production decreases. The result is the same as for type 1 diabetes--glucose builds up in the blood and the body cannot make efficient use of its main source of fuel.

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes develop gradually. Their onset is not as sudden as in type 1 diabetes. Symptoms may include fatigue or nausea, frequent urination, unusual thirst, weight loss, blurred vision, frequent infections, and slow healing of wounds or sores. Some people have no symptoms.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes develops only during pregnancy. Like type 2 diabetes, it occurs more often in African Americans, American Indians, Hispanic Americans, and among women with a family history of diabetes. Women who have had gestational diabetes have a 20 to 50 percent chance of developing type 2 diabetes within 5 to 10 years if they do not seek alternative professionals to help remedy this disease.